I was pregnant again for two whole days (sense the sarcasm??). It turned out to be a chemical pregnancy and I emailed the dr. to see if he thought there was any reason for concern since this ws our second "loss" even though they aren't really "counting" this one. Well f*ck you. You didn't read that stick that said pregnant. You didn't wake your husband up from a dead sleep to make him read it. You have't been trying for over a year and a half to just have your little bubble of hope broken in an instant.
I guess the good part of it all is that the steps for IVF#1 are already in place. I start BCP tomorrow. I'm trying not to be too upset; I'm trying to "chose" to be ok with it, but it's a little harder than I thought. It just brings back so many painful memories. I know I'll be fine, but I just hope and pray that there isn't anything wrong that we don't know about. I know technically you're supposed to have 3 losses before RLP but I hope he'll do one now. If there's something wrong we defintely need to know now.
What a difference a year makes...
11 years ago